
浪人1年生の男が再び早稲田商を狙う! 雑談系になっちゃうかもです笑




Look at this everyone!


Yesterday, I wrote a great article and posted it on my blog but almost of you  don't read it! Why! That is what I want to say about  simulated exam and you, especially grade 12 students, should know.


I believe I can't take it about many things.What I would like u to learn is just disregarded in many cases. I don't take care of such reaction however, What I wrote yesterday is not well known and said but need to succeed your entrance examination. So I wrote it with my effort! I'm sad just a bit.


You, reading this, go to my yesterday one please!

It must make expand your evaluation of simulated exam. 


Tank you  for your reading :)